You've Come A Long Way, Baba

Kathmandu, Nepal

I'm not usually a very religious person, but when this holy Baba pulled out a cigarette and I realized I was going to be able to use the old Virginia Slim advertising slogan as a pun... Well, maybe there is A GOD after all!

I know he's dressed like the other holy men, but the look in this particular Baba's eyes reminded me of every drug dealer I've ever owed money to. I instantly doubted his intentions and the voracity of his attire. I even instinctively clutched at my pocket to make sure my wallet was still there, forgetting that I was zoomed in all the way with my lens, and this thug was actually several yards away, safely across the street. I felt like a helpless sheep, caught in his wolf-like stare. I'm pretty certain he was in the process of hypnotizing me and he kind of looks like he could be fast, right? If he wanted to? I didn't stick around to find out.

Fast smokers wear track suits/sailor suits.
Fast smokers wear track suits/sailor suits.


Can't get enough of these Nepali Babas?? Me neither! Read more about them HERE and HERE!